Saturday, July 18, 2009

Re-entry into the 'blag'-osphere...I'm baaaaack!

Folks, it's been a long time since I last wrote...a VERY long time. Try maybe, oh...21 months?

A LOT has happened in that time, and my life has been so crazy my head is still spinning from it all.

I've been happy to see that even though I haven't written, updated, or even looked at my own blog in all that time, that it's STILL being used, and still getting hits (and comments!). Thank you all.

I plan on keeping this blog still education focused, but it will shift from the pure 'survival' stuff. Included will be related/relevant info and rants. In one of the last posts I wrote before quitting, I had mentioned how I'd "get to the bottom" of a lot of the BS in the public school system.

I'm working on a book...on how video games can improve public education. I thought I was alone on this - but I'm seeing more and more like-minded people. There have been a few books written on this already (some of which were written a few years before that thought occured to me), but I believe my personal experience (ADHD, gifted, BORED) can bring a unique, and important slant to the movement.

This is rather ironic, considering all the trouble I had in both high school and college writing papers. The big difference now is that there aren't any 'sink or swim' DO THIS OR ELSE deadlines - so I'm rather on my own. It has been rough to create my own schedules...I'm still working that part out. I'm trying to get back into the writing habit by restarting the blog, lol. I will be working on both simultaneously - and I will probably post a slew of links on the topic (among other things).

I'm looking forward to regular writing again! :)

*side note: I realize the word is actually spelled BLOGosphere, but I'm referencing, a HILARIOUS, geeky webcomic.


firstbass said...

I'll write if you write!

Unknown said...

Could you please study the effects of how music can help you focus? I'm singlehandedly trying to overturn the rule in my school that says that we can't listen to music AT ALL, and that includes study hall. I'm looking forward to what you have to write.

Unknown said...

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