Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A brief introduction

I posted this on Facebook way back in November, and it gives a pretty good idea what this blog is about:
I'm seriously looking at a career as a performance coach, specifically for people with ADD/ADHD. I happened upon an international coaching organization earlier today, which I am DEFINITELY looking into!

Specifically, I'm looking at helping people with ADD/ADHD struggles get through their grinds...ADD + depression, how to salvage a crisis (OMFG I HAVE 5 HOURS TO WRITE 10 PAGES! that kind of thing), and how to concentrate for short bursts without prescription stimulants. Naturally this focuses on those who are working their way through college, but hey, it can still help those in the working world too.

Even if you don't have ADD/ADHD, the shortcuts I've learned through my own spectacular mess-ups (and there are many of those lol), disasters, and crises can still help you out. I don't wish anybody to constantly live in a crisis like I did during college. It REALLY wore me out! At least my methods can offer temporary relief...long enough for you to get your act together (and hopefully not need to call on me again). I have read so much about ADD/ADHD, habits of good leadership/effectiveness, and nutrition that I can suggest temporary solutions to help you escape a crisis AND long-term solutions to keep you stable once you recover.

I've hit rock bottom a couple times, so I know what it's like to be stuck in the trenches. It's not pleasant, but it IS survivable and I will help you get through it.

Message or call me if you have any questions or need help figuring out what to do in a crisis. Crisis management is my specialty, and I'm gathering information on the subject. :)

In other words, simply asking me for advice will give me valuable information and feedback on my methods and help ME refine the tools I already have, as well as add new ones. I may soon start a 'research' blog for this.


That was just about five months ago, and my goals are still the same. I've read countless books on ADHD since my high school years, and have read books on many other subjects as well. I like to synthesize and fuse related knowledge about different subjects, and combine it all into a useful, usable, understandable form. I expect my blog to express this. If you have any questions, by all means leave posts/comments/messages! :)

1 comment:

Kali said...

Being an actor in New York with ADD, I have to say that you won't have a hard time finding fellow ADD'ers in the field of performing arts. If I was in Chicago, I'd use your skills...good luck!